Our two companies recognized the same mission, to improve business growth with the new technology capabilities. We will cooperate to create customer-centric and innovative solutions that will enable digital transformations for our clients and users.

Cites Gestion, Singapore-based, global B2B solution company, supports business communities, trade associations and supply chains to connect their members and actively provide them with services that are essential for their domestic and international business growth.

In their quest to make business life of any company completely digital, they reimagined the way essential services are offered. Using connectivity and blockchain technology.

The objective of this MOU is to express the willingness of both parties to form a collaborative relationship to build a digital eco-system for Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise (MSME) businesses in ASEAN through the promotion and use of FTT digital platform and MITTO mobile related services.

With FTT digital platform Mitto’s clients will have digital access to:

  • Accounting and corporate secretarial services
  • Local and international digital payment providers
  • Compliance, legal, and regulatory specialists
  • Marketing and communication experts
  • Last mile delivery and freight forward solutions

On the other side CG will offer Mitto’s SMS services to MSME, who will able to increase customer engagement and improve cost efficiency. The synergy between FTT digital platform and Mitto’s mobile service platform, will create new opportunities for their customers.

Here is what Mitto’s CEO, Andrea Giacomini, said about the partnership:

“I’m delighted to sign this new agreement with Cite Gestion. Our mission is to build a digital eco-system for Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise businesses by utilizing two tailor-made platforms. With CG as a partner, we can better serve our customers with tighter integration and help them achieve their goals and improve business.”