TelecomXChange is a unique platform and online market for Voice and SMS routes where CPaaS providers can choose vendors by quality and price and communicate directly between them.

We see exponential demand from enterprise developers, contact centers and SaaS companies for high quality omni-channel communication APIs.

There are several popular CPaaS solutions that do not provide network level information to the end customers, which frustrates customers.

We are excited to work with TelecomsXChange Platform and Telestax, which give end customers full visibility and control on their critical choice of SMS and voice network providers.

As far as we can see, Restcomm is the only solution out there that offers the best of both worlds – a full stack CPaaS with rich developer APIs and full transparency of network provider connectivity and QoS.

With this partnership, buyers on TelecomXChange are utilizing Mitto Direct and Exclusive routes to deliver high importance, mission critical messages to end users globally.

Mitto “high-end” technology routing platform performs continuous quality assessment thanks to proprietary technology deployed globally.

Mitto’s monitoring system installed in more than 100 countries, differs several account profiles that can be tailored to customer’s specific needs, depending on what type of message they’re sending.

We strongly believe that this partnership will ensure top message delivery, resulting in service quality, traffic stability and delivery speed, something that’s highly requested by all our OTT clients and enterprise partners.

About TelecomsXChange:

TelecomsXChange is the only commission-free exchange platform and the most advanced network for Voice and SMS carriers worldwide.

TelecomsXChange established their business on the founding principle that buyers and suppliers should be connected directly, while having objective intelligence gathering

and performance monitoring captured and published openly. Although every other platform keeps the buyer and seller at arms length, TelecomsXChange does not interfere and

encourages direct communication and support. It provides the tools for both parties to make the most informed and risk-free decisions, encouraging more carriers and service providers to trade over the market place.

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